my name

my name

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Introduction from me :)

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Perkenalkan nama saya Astried Nadia Mayasari :))
Saya berasal dari kota Surabaya, Indonesia

(I will introduce my self , I am Astried Nadia Mayasari , from Surabaya City,Indonesia)

Saya lahir pada tanggal 10 Mei 1995 sehingga sudah bisa dihitung sendiri berapa umur saya saat ini :D

(I was born 10th May 1995 , so you can guess my age :) )
(My language in english is so bad , so I want to learn and learn more :)) )

Actually , I continue my education until now :) , now I studying at ITS Surabaya, Department of Information System , I hope can be graduate from here and make my parents and family proud of me :) , but all of it can't without My GOD "Allah SWT" .. amienn

Now I concetrate at Algorithms and Programming (JAVA) , Discrete Mathematics , Functional Businnes System , IT , Interpersonaly , and religi of course :)

At department Information System , I feel very exciting can studying in here with professional staff teacher or in here called "Dosen"

My teacher mostly still young :)
My AlPro teacher named    : Retno Aulia Vinarti ("Bu Vivin")
My Discrete Math named   : "Bu Amalia"
My SFB teacher named      : "Bu Annisah H"
My IT teacher named         : "Pak Studiawan"
My Interpersonaly teacher : " Bu Amna Shifia , Pak Kholil "
My religi teacher named    : "Bpk.Wahyuddin "

So , I very appriciate with all of them who give me learning more and more every day :D

Ok, that's introduction of my self , thank you and see you letter

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb